A voice came from the cigarette

Staring at the lit cigarette resting between his fingers, he wondered what lied ahead in life. Was he like a burning fag himself? A voice came from the cigarette.

Hi dude, thinking about me?
Hey hi, yeah. Kinda. I was wondering if me like ya as well. You know, burning, reducing, waiting for the end, while others suck me up and enjoy. I mean, look at you. Your life is a shit, total shit. Aint it?

All I know about my life is that once I get lit, I know I am not going to last for more than few minutes. This is all there is about my life. And I don't mind being sucked up. This is what my job is.
That's cool man, you at least know your purpose in life. That's cool. Half the fuckin human beings don't even know that.

Dude, you are missing on something here. I didn't choose this job. I was like, I never had the option to choose my own purpose. You've got that. You got the option to pick your purpose! And you still complaining? What a jerk!
You dare call me a jerk. Do you even realize that in like another minute, whether you like it or not, me goin to rub you off underneath my shoe. Do you fuckin realize that?

I dont' feek like talking to you. Finish me up and crush me. Do you really think I care about what you are going to do with me when you have used me?
Neither do I! Fuck off.

He didn't feel like finishing the fag. Bloody fag. What an attitude! It deserved to be crushed. He threw it and stamped upon it.

He sat there, staring in blank for sometime. He reached out for the packet and pulled out another fag. He lit it. Staring at the lit cigarette resting between his fingers, he wondered what lied ahead in life. Was he like a burning fag himself? A voice came from the cigarette.


  1. Sumesh said...
    Nice post! but the end could have been better. Cigarette should not speak again... atleast you should not say that.... leave it on the reader to imagine.
    amrit said...

    Thanks. Dhakkan speaks. :P
    Czar said...
    Czar said...
    And I thought you had assignments to complete.. :D
    amrit said...

    Thanks. And yes, I have to! :)
    Neelabh said...
    When he lit up a new cigarette, was the other cigarette( which was talking to him) jealous?
    amrit said...

    No. It was dead!
    Geetali said...
    I agree with Dhakkan!
    amrit said...

    The end could have been better. Period! :P

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