Patna, my Patna

Stumbled upon this video on you-tube. It's an ordinary shot of an ordinary road in Patna and I was unable to notice any thing worth noticing.

What caught my attention were the kinda comments it received from people who have probably never been to any developing country. You would love them.

My favourites are:

1. omfg
2. sweet jesus, that's insane!
3. bet no one has a driving licence and their highway code is writen on a postage stamp!
4. Wow! Life sure was different in the 1800s!

The last was probably the best. :)


  1. Mohan K.V said...
    1800s! lol! They can never really know, can they?
    dhruv said...
    Most people on youtube are clueless bumbling fools but then most people in the western nations ( especially the US of A ) are clueless about the geography of this planet.
    Ajit Chouhan said...
    PATNA IS PATNA:Bhala hai bura hai jaisa bhi hai mera bihar mera hai..
    Anonymous said...
    Enjoyed a lot! » » »

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