some like it HOT

The sun was shining on her innocent beautiful face. But the sunscreen lotion would save her from turning darker. As if she cared. Sanjana saw her in the sun and called out.

'What are you doing there in the sun?'

'Feeling hot'.

A smile appeared on Sanjana's face as she listened to this. 'And why do you want to feel hot baby? It's already so hot. And days will turn warmer as the summer is going to mature.'

'When does one feel hot?'

Now this is really getting messy.
Sanjana went to her and brought her back inside the shade of the room.

'You shouldn't be watching too much of TV. What about your homework, finished it? Cummon, chalo mumma will help you do it.'


  1. Geetali said...
    haha.. ye kya tha?
    Sumesh said...
    Interesting! Good, the context is missing, its actually providing a large space for imagination....don't you include that too in your creativity domain? :-)
    amrit said...

    Bus kuch tha...


    Thanks. I leave it on junta.

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