Tit for Tat

Act 1

Karthik: What is she talking about da?
Me: What do you mean what is she talking about? Derivatives of course.

Karthik: What are derivatives?
Me: ?? Derivatives are financial instruments, which are derived from some real physical asset and traded in market. The stock market is the best known example of a derivative trading. How could you not know this? You have been studying FM since four sems da!

Act 2

Me: What kinda statement is this: A government security is made up of 'n' government securities...
Karthik: Blah Blah (I have no idea what he explained) How come you don't get it? You have been studying FM since four sems da!

Me: Eh!
Karthik: Tit for Tat

Me: My tit was much better than your tat.
Karthik: Fuck you, even my tits are great.



  1. Sneha said...
    That was funny!

    Raveena said...
    Just came across ur blog...
    Seriously, that was too GOOD!!!
    lol...My stomach's starting to hurt!!!!

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