The 28 first-timers of the 5th Semester

Didn’t have a single hair-cut

Didn’t get an OAT card

Watched only one movie in OAT: Chandramukhi starring Rajnikant

Removed Windows 98 from my comp (it had been there along with XP since 1st year)

Removed the hard-disc from my comp

Designed Shaastra T shirts and poster and banners and on and on

Got four free Shaastra T shirts (1 still pending)

Did not participate in a single event in Shaastra

Missed one end-semester exam (wrote it today after much fight)

Didn’t play a single outdoor game

Played CS

Did only one work as the Alumni Affairs Secretary of Narmada: distributed a profile-sheet to each hosteller and collected it

Chatted with Bro and Sis on yahoo conference

Purchased a five hundred rupee book online (a pirated copy of which is now selling at less than Rs.80/- in Moore Market)

Created a Character called ‘Techno-the IITian

Wore a single jeans for more than half the semester (not continuously of course)

Saw the Insti Lake

Went inside a temple in IIT Madras

Got a railway concession for myself

Had a sip of whisky

Dined in GRT

Saw a real CAT paper

Saw the Indian President in real

Shifted from yahoomail to gmail

Understood what a RSS feed is and started using it

Switched from a dormant blogger to a regular one

Inspired a few to start blogging


  1. Sneha said...
    After reading your post, I think, I should also try to figure out my first-timers of fifth semester. Its fun to do something for the first time.
    Keep discovering.
    amrit said...
    I discovered that I have put only 27 points...oops!

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